Thursday, September 29, 2011

Teen Alcoholism - Get The Facts

When people hear the word "drugs" the usually think of an illegal substance such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin, or other drugs for sale on the street.

But alcohol is the most misused drug on the planet. Alcohol is socially accepted and legal most places. It is abused by all ages for elf-medication or social lubricant.

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The potential dangers from teen alcohol use range from death to a less than normal healthy life. Death can come from using to much at one time, driving under the influence, or loss of judgment of potential dangers situations.

The deaths of 3 teenagers in a car accident involving a tree and alcohol will get our attention before aptitude, tardiness, poor grades, depression, anxiety, mood swing, and other things which are related to the normal teenage years and could be a sign of drug abuse. It is our job as parents to be alert and to verify what is going on. We do not want life to give our children the final example before they learn the lesson.

Trust and verify are the key actions which will help keep our children on the path to adulthood. We must allow them the chance to grow and learn. And we must set the example and teach the right lessons. Understanding the problem is more important than having a poor solution.

Neurotransmitters or the lack of is the major cause of teen alcoholism. These neurotransmitters allow communication between the brain and the body. If the message is unclear or misunderstood, due to
a shortages of neurotransmitters, causing the body to be uncomfortable and unsatisfied. then there is a strong chance that the child will self-medicate with alcohol. Their supply of neurotransmitters are control by diet, body type, and stress.

Diet and stress are the ones to work on. We can put more food on the table than any other country. But quaintly dose not guaranty quality. Our busy life style limits us to fast-food, canned foods, and processed food, which are sold with taste and sales in mind, not being healthy. The body needs some basic nutrition to replace these lost neurotransmitters.

Stress is a part of our make up. It if the overdrive with which we react to emergencies and dangers, The body gears up for perceived emergencies. This is a good thing in a emergency, but not many times daily over small things. This overdrive used more neurotrnsmitters which there are not enough already. And a downward trend continues. The lack of neurotransmitters is also directly linked to Add/Adhd and all the 1000's of children diagnosed today.

There is no quick or easy answer. Except the wrong answer. In which the child continues to us alcohol to self-medicate more and more. This could lead to stronger and more deathly drugs, when the alcohol does not give the results, they need. Much depends on the child. they must have a strong desire to stop using alcohol to self-medicate and get their life back to normal. you must give them the tools to succeed. These tools are proper diet with nutrition added, directly aimed at building neurotransmitters, support from you, feedback, and understanding.

Teen Alcoholism - Get The Facts

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