Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Pill to Stop Alcohol Cravings

If only the cravings for alcohol would go away, people trying to overcome the grip of alcoholism would stand a much better chance of fighting off the disease. Anybody who has had alcohol cravings knows what this is all about. It's one thing to experience a little temptation, but it's another to have an overwhelming, persistent urge and need for alcohol. There's always a problem. First we want to take the edge off the troubles of the day, so we have a drink. Then we want to take the edge off the craving for alcohol.

Those who have participated in 12-Step recovery turn to their "higher power" for strength and support, trusting that the "higher power" will restore them to sanity. They decide turn their will and their lives over to the care of God, as they understand Him, to be a guiding light and source of comfort. This is accomplished through an ever-deepening, personal relationship. But this is America and we want relief NOW. There might be a pharmacological intervention.

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The drug baclofen is a muscle relaxant, used to treat muscle symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis. The symptoms include spasms, stiffness and pain. Some of the side effects include impairment of thinking or reactions, so patients who need to be awake and alert need to be careful when using this drug. Patients who have used baclofen for a long time may experience serious withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures or hallucinations. The use of baclofen to help alcoholics with their cravings is relatively new, so there isn't an abundance of clinical testing

I read an article on medscape.com, which discussed results of clinical testing for patients with advanced liver disease. The 2007 study cast baclofen in a favorable light for a medical intervention.

"In conclusion, our results suggest that baclofen, because of its anti-craving action and safety, could have an important role for treatment of alcohol-dependent patients with advanced liver disease," the researchers, with first author Giovanni Addolorato, MD, from the Institute of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Rome, in Italy, write. "We have shown that a pharmacological agent can promote alcohol abstinence and prevent alcohol relapse in individuals with alcoholic liver disease."

Patients with acidosis, who cannot stop drinking and are faced with death if they fail to stop doing so, and any treatment can't move forward as long as they are drinking. But this is a severe case. What about other patients with alcoholism, who are not in the latter stages of liver disease, or who are in one of the earlier stages of alcoholism?

Assuming that baclofen is safe and appropriate for treatment of alcohol cravings does it represent a one-stop cure for alcoholism? This introduces an interesting topic for discussion. Aside from physical dependence or alcohol cravings, what about other factors that contribute to one becoming an alcoholic, such as psychological makeup, environment or genetics? If I drink, for example, to numb the pain in my life, will taking away alcohol cravings help that pain to subside?

I can see baclofen as a piece of the solution puzzle, in limited cases. But I can't help but get back to 12 Step, because it is incorporated into an interdisciplinary program, meaning that physical, emotional and spiritual issues are addressed. Pharmacological interventions do not sooth the human spirit, nor with baclofen heal broken relationships. I can see, however, how this drug intervention, in theory, can save the lives of patients in the cases discussed in the study. I would caution against looking to a pill as a "cure."

The anti-12 Step crowd will herald any drug intervention as being a positive alternative to 12 Step, mainly because 12 Step takes time and is far more difficult than taking a pill. Baclofen does not require honesty, openness and willingness, nor does it necessitate self-examination. Perhaps baclofen can stop the alcohol cravings, or be used as a tool to help a person regain control of his/her life, and help bring about a return to health. I have no issue with this. But if the whole person is not treated, then the hole in the spirit that is filled with alcohol, or some other destructive force, is still there.

A Pill to Stop Alcohol Cravings


Monday, October 3, 2011

Drug Addiction - Signs and Symptoms

Drug addiction is when a person is in uncontrollable need for drugs at all times. This is a result of excessive usage of drugs. Drug addiction can destroy a person. One may just try out drugs for the first time as even their friends are doing it, later he is familiar with the drug so wants to have it once again for fun and soon fun turns into need for drugs.

Various drugs may have various different health effects, but the one thing common in all these drugs is that it largely affects the brain. The thinking of a person, his thought process, behaviour, way of speaking, attitude every mind related characteristic is changed for the worse

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Some of the sources of addiction are nicotine, heroin, Xanax, Vicodin, speed, alcohol, etc. Most people use these to overcome mental and physical problems. Mostly in depression one starts drinking, cocaine for gaining energy, sleeping pills for panic attacks etc.

Drugs may, at first, make you feel better, and all what you need to, but soon the amount of drug taken does not affect. You want more of the same which may also, in many cases lead to drug overdose where a person may even die. If a person is facing a particular problem, it should be treated in the right way, not with the use of drugs.

Some of the common signs or symptoms of drug addiction and drug abuse can be seen as follows:

Legal issues: the very first that concerns drugs is that they are illegal. One may also be imprisoned or heavily fined.

Avoiding responsibilities: one is not in the state to be responsible at all. Be it work, or home or school.

Relationship problems: with the use of drugs one becomes arrogant and may end up fighting with loved ones for no reason.

Risks: one may think that he is used to the drugs and so can handle himself well and drive or do other risky things. However this is not true as they are still high and risk not just their own lives but others as well.

Extreme usage: one may start taking more and more of the drugs and not be able to control themselves from doing so.

Symptoms of non- usage: if one does not have drugs for a long time, he may face stress, sweating, shaking and various other symptoms.

Drug capacity: with time, drugs stop affecting the person and so he needs more and more amount of those drugs.

Drug is on the mind: one only thinks about drugs at all times, and ways to get them.

It is very important that one gets immediate drug addiction help to overcome all the serious health hazards and damages

Drug Addiction - Signs and Symptoms

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

All About Ecstasy and Ecstasy Abuse

Ecstasy gets its name from the feeling of euphoria that most users report feeling after immediately ingesting the drug. Its real name is MDMA or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and it officially hit "the scene" sometime in the late 1970s/early 1980s. By the 1990s the ecstasy was very popular among high school and college students with some reported instances of abuse among junior high school students as well. Over the last decade and a half, ecstasy abuse and ecstasy addiction has become more widespread.

Ecstasy itself is a man-made drug, one of the few "bad" drugs that is not derived from a natural substance. Ecstasy is made up of a combination of methamphetamine or amphetamine and hallucinogen (usually mescaline). It's possible that it was first produced as an appetite suppressant but no one knows for sure. One of the things that make ecstasy unique is that, unlike other drugs which are usually taken in tandem with alcohol, ecstasy users rarely pair alcohol with their ecstasy in-take as alcohol is said to diminish the effects of the drugs.

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The effects of ecstasy can last as long as six hours and people who use the drug report an initial rush of very positive feelings. They say that they enter into an almost euphoric state and an increased sensitivity in the rest of their senses. Ecstasy users report that the drug increases their empathy for other people, a decrease in their anxiety levels and an intense feeling of relaxation. Ecstasy is also reported to suppress the abuser's need to drink, eat or sleep and can give users the ability to stay awake for days at a time. The first rush is always the best and an ecstasy addict will spend quite a lot of time trying to recreate it.

Ecstasy addiction is thought by some to be a misnomer. According to scientists, ecstasy does not have any physically addicting properties. It works its way through the system like most other over the counter drugs. What gets people addicted to ecstasy is the psychological effects of the drug. The first use is usually the best and an ecstasy addict will spend quite a bit of money trying to re-create the same rush with consequent uses of the drug. Ecstasy's effects lessen each time a person ingests it, so creating the same effect usually involves the ecstasy addict experimenting with other drugs like cocaine or heroin in order to find the rush they used to feel while on the drug.

It is this "gateway effect" that makes ecstasy abuse and addiction dangerous because the drugs that an ecstasy addict pairs with ecstasy are highly addictive and have extreme withdrawal symptoms that are very dangerous. The good news is that there is drug addiction treatment for ecstasy addicts. Finding it is only a matter of doing some research and exploring some of the drug rehabilitation clinics in your local area. Ecstasy addiction treatment can be done as an in-patient or out-patient experience and should always be accompanied with psychotherapy to combat the psychological addiction that a person has to the drug.

All About Ecstasy and Ecstasy Abuse

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

How Are Teenagers Affected by Alcohol Abuse?

The consumption of alcohol among teens is becoming so regular that most of them think that there is no party worth going to, if there is no booze. Teen treatment centers who treat alcohol related cases have stated that in the year 2009, there were as much as 16 percent of teenagers who were heavily intoxicated by this drink. There are also reports which say that there are some teens who drink more than 5 rounds of drink a day; this percentage is somewhere around 7-9 percent.

Though alcohol addiction can cause a large number of health problems; it is during teenage that alcohol can cause a lot of harm. This is because the body is still is being developed into an adult form and there are too many physical and mental changes happening in the body. Drinking alcohol can stop and even derail this development, causing a lot of problems in the process. The liver is affected; the kidneys can be damaged and there can be premature ageing due to drinking so early in life. Also drinking can lead to impotence in boys and loss of libido in girls over a long-term basis. Teens tend to suffer from loss of energy both mentally and physically due to this habit and most of them give up easily on their work at such a young age because they do not fit, as the alcohol has progressive weakened their system and their immunity.

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Alcohol is a global demon, and teens are usually affected by this problem. In countries like the US, UK, South Africa, India, Australia, teens have often being caught by the law for crushing someone to death by drinking and driving. Most of the road accidents are caused by people in their teens driving under the influence of alcohol according to teen treatment centers.

Crimes of passion among the youth are also a manifestation of alcohol drinking. Under the influence of alcohol, a person can lose his inhibitions, leak out something that is meant to be kept under cover, do sexual crimes and even kill someone due to a fit of rage. Cases of rape and sexual molestation are high among teens because boys tend to use alcohol as a bait to lure girls and bed them. Alcohol can mix easily into the blood-stream of girls since they have high body fat percentage. Cases of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, rape and even sexually transmitted disease and HIV/AIDS are high among teens practicing sexual activity after alcohol consumption.

Alcohol addiction is to be blamed for declining grades among the ones who are taken to drinking. This form of addiction can hamper the concentration and interest for studying and work. Teen rehab centers have also said that teens move towards drugs as a natural extension of alcohol addiction. Deadly habits like mixing drugs with alcohol that can lead to fatal repercussions are also practiced. There have been cases of teens committing suicides and even choking on their vomit and dying. So do not take any chance, in case you feel that you are addicted to alcohol and are still in your teens, there is help at a nearby teen treatment center.

How Are Teenagers Affected by Alcohol Abuse?

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